1 Car garage idea for storage - Fenced back yard
Covered entry porch - Very neighborly setting
Looking into the Living room with hardwood floors
Looking into the Living room with hardwood floors
Adjoining kitchen
Remodeled granite kitchen -Stainless Dishwasher + Refrigerator
- Gas Range - Maple cabinets
Gas range - Stainless dishwasher and refrigerator
Adjoining garden view breakfast room
Stainless refrigerator - Gas range - Adjoining laundry room with appliance
Separate Laundry room with available appliances and garden patio access
- Dual pane windows
Enclosed grass and Slate Garden dining patio
with shade trees
Adjoining garden view breakfast room
Garden view bedroomwith Lighted Empire style ceiling fan
- Dual pane windows
Hall bath with granite vanity
Front bedroom
- Dual pane windows